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ONgDB Browser

ONgDB Browser is the general purpose user interface for working with ONgDB to query, visualize, administrate and monitor the database with modern and easy-to-use tools. The ONgDB Browser interface supports a few primary concepts:

  • ad-hoc writing and execution of Geequel queries
  • saving of Geequel queries for rapid recall
  • multiple result views that include graph, table, text, code and plan

The graph view in the ONgDB Browser displays Geequel results as an interactive graph visualization that the user can use to explore additional nodes adjacent to those currently in the visualization.

The table view in the ONgDB Browser displays a column-based view of the Geequel query results with each column corresponding to a result variable with one per column.

The text view in the ONgDB Browser displays Geequel results in a command-line interface style.

The code view in the ONgDB Browser displays the Geequel query result with additional metadata about the ONgDB server version and host address.

The plan view in the ONgDB Browser displays the execution details for PROFILE and EXPLAIN Geequel queries to provide insights into how the Geequel query was processed by the Geequel query engine. This is useful when trying to diagnose and triage query performance issues.

The Geequel query editor provides code highlighting for Geequel syntax and autocomplete suggestions based on the Labels and Edge Types used within your graph data. Each Geequel query is executed separately and displays the results in a stacked sequence with the new result view on top of the previous result so within the ONgDB Browser you always see the most recent Geequel query result. These ONgDB Browser displays the Geequel query results for one query at a time within each result view and each query result view can be dismissed from the ONgDB Browser. This makes it idea for rapid query development, practice and experimentation with your data as a graph.

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