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ONgDB 1.0.0-alpha01
(Open Native Graph Database)
Release Date: 27 February 2021
ONgDB 1.0.0-alpha01 is the 1.0 Alpha release of ONgDB, a fully open source database attributable to the Graph Foundation
[ONGDB-35] – KernelTransactionImplementation actual and formal argument lists differ in length
[ONGDB-36] – StubKernelTransaction is not abstract and does not override abstract method startTimeNanos() in KernelTransaction
[ONGDB-37] – EnterpriseSecurityModule incompatible types: int cannot be converted to Config
[ONGDB-38] – Notice and License should not contain Objenesis
[ONGDB-39] – LdapCachingTest incompatible types: int cannot be converted to Config
[ONGDB-40] – Incompatible types: int cannot be converted to org.neo4j.kernel.configuration.Config
[ONGDB-41] – Notice and License should not contain Apache Commons BeanUtils and Collections
[ONGDB-42] – EnterpriseReadReplicaEditionModule method createFileSystemWatcherService in class org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.EditionModule cannot be applied to given types
[ONGDB-43] – EnterpriseCoreEditionModule method createFileSystemWatcherService in class org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.EditionModule cannot be applied to given types
[ONGDB-44] – VersionContextTrackingIT method does not override or implement a method from a supertype
[ONGDB-45] – HighlyAvailableEditionModule method createFileSystemWatcherService in class org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.EditionModule cannot be applied to given types
[ONGDB-46] – SchemaIndexHaIT newPopulatingUpdater in ControlledIndexPopulator cannot implement newPopulatingUpdater in IndexPopulator
[ONGDB-47] – Notice and License need updated for enterprise modules
[ONGDB-48] – SlotAllocation error: wrong number of arguments for pattern LoadCSV
[ONGDB-49] – error: not enough arguments for constructor ProcedureSignature
[ONGDB-50] – error: not enough arguments for method apply
[ONGDB-51] – error: wrong number of arguments for pattern
[ONGDB-52] – error: too many arguments for method apply
[ONGDB-53] – error: not enough arguments for method apply
[ONGDB-54] – ListQueriesProcedureTests fail with missing cpuTimeMillis
[ONGDB-56] – EnterpriseSecurityModuleTest fails on shouldNotFailNativeWithPluginAuthorizationProvider
[ONGDB-57] – EnterpriseAuthenticationIT tests fail with timeout waiting for log to contain client is unauthorized due to authentication failure
[ONGDB-58] – Re-introduce enterprise standalone packaging module starting from 3.3.0-beta02
[ONGDB-59] – Support more recent openCycpher specification
[ONGDB-60] – Procedure db.createUniquePropertyConstraint call does not provide the required number of arguments: got 0 expected 2.
[ONGDB-61] – Procedure db.createIndex call does not provide the required number of arguments: got 0 expected 2.
[ONGDB-62] – SlotAllocationTest fails foreach allocates on left hand side with node list
[ONGDB-63] – TypeConversionTest fails should not allow adding node and number
[ONGDB-64] – Cypher Acceptance Specification Suite failures group
[ONGDB-65] – SpatialIndexResultsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality query should give same answer for indexed and non-indexed property
[ONGDB-66] – SpatialIndexResultsAcceptanceTest failure | indexed points in 3D cartesian space – range queries
[ONGDB-67] – SpatialIndexResultsAcceptanceTest failure | indexed points 3D WGS84 space – range queries
[ONGDB-68] – SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on co-located points in 3D
[ONGDB-69] – SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on nearby points in 3D
[ONGDB-70] – SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on distant points in 3D
[ONGDB-71] – SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should work on 3D cartesian points
[ONGDB-72] – SpatialDistanceAcceptanceTest failure | distance function should return null if provided with points with different dimensions
[ONGDB-73] – BuiltInProcedureAcceptanceTest failure | should be able to find indexes from built-in-procedure
[ONGDB-74] – EagerizationAcceptanceTest failure | matching on relationship property existence, writing same property should not be eager
[ONGDB-75] – SyntaxExceptionAcceptanceTest failure | should raise error when missing return columns
[ONGDB-76] – SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | FROM should generate error
[ONGDB-77] – SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | INTO should generate error
[ONGDB-78] – SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | projecting graphs should generate error
[ONGDB-79] – SemanticErrorAcceptanceTest failure | should fail if using a hint on a node and not using the property
[ONGDB-80] – UsingAcceptanceTest failure | should handle join hint solved multiple times
[ONGDB-81] – HintAcceptanceTest failure | should do index seek instead of index scan with explicit index seek hint
[ONGDB-82] – MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | from graph
[ONGDB-83] – MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | into graph
[ONGDB-84] – MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | return named graph
[ONGDB-85] – MultipleGraphsAcceptanceTest failure | project a graph
[ONGDB-86] – SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | point function should work with literal map and srid
[ONGDB-87] – SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | point function should work with node with some invalid properties
[ONGDB-88] – SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality on cartesian points
[ONGDB-89] – SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality on geographic points
[ONGDB-90] – SpatialFunctionsAcceptanceTest failure | inequality on 3D points
[ONGDB-91] – ProfilerAcceptanceTest failure | LIMIT should influence cardinality estimation by default value when expression contains timestamp()
[ONGDB-92] – ProcedureCallSupportAcceptanceTest failure | Fail when trying to pass arbitrary object in and out of a procedure
[ONGDB-94] – AcceptanceTests failure | Feature “DurationBetweenAcceptance”: Scenario “Should compute duration between two temporals”